From T Stoddard

Hello to this group, please may we together continue this research.

I received my information and histories personally from Effie Lenore Wiser when I went to visit her in Logan, Utah; and have the histories submitted to the ‘Daughters of the Utah Pioneers’ .
I also have the research, deeds and etc., that Lana Whiting completed on the Telfords before her death. I have a book titled “Connecting: The conn- Cowen- Greenaway Families’ from County Armagh to Upper Canada” that I think may be applicable because our families came from Anna Telford daughter of John and Jane Telford, who were cousins and she married Charles Henry Stoddard.

I live in Montana and my son, Theron, is coming from Utah this week-end and will be glad to share a picture of the ‘old Telford home’ in Armagh, Ireland, IF someone is interested.

We descend from Anna Telford daughter of John Telford, son of George Telford son of James Telford, son of William Telford. 
Telfords names, Thelford,, Thelford, Thettford of Belfast, Thetlford, Threlford, Telfair, and Trafford,.

I also have some partial histories of Caroline Saville Telford whom we met several years ago and include the Woodmansee’s. Caroline married John Eli Telford.

T. Stoddard
P.O. Box 577
Victor, MT 59875


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